Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Check your batteries!

This time of year it's all about the batteries.  We deal with all lines of batteries...ATV, motorcycle, auto, marine, and golf cart...and we see all kinds of problems come through the door when it comes to batteries.  You might have a method that works well for you, and if so, stick to it.  Regardless of what kind of battery you're dealing with the most important thing we can tell you....keep it charged.  On deep cycle (golf cart) batteries that means charging every couple of weeks.  For auto/atv/motorcycle we'd suggest using a float or "trickle" charger. 

We have also recently started selling a good amount of reconditioned (recon) batteries.  These are batteries that have typically sat on the shelf too long, or were used for a short time and then neglected.  To recondition these batteries specific amounts of acid and other chemicals are added to the battery and then it is taken through a series of charge cycles to bring it back to a good state.  These recons are a good cost-effective alternative to buying a brand new $100 dollar battery.  Most reconditioned batteries will sell for around half of the normal new price.  For example, we sell all of our automotive recons at $35 with a 15 month free replacement warranty.  Tough to beat if you're looking to save a few bucks over the holidays.

It doesn't hurt to check your batteries before the cold of winter hits either.  If you run into issues, have questions, or need help give us a shout. 

Balls Out Motors, LLC